Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Mary, Queen and Mother and the Second Vatican Council

Above picture courtesy of Pinterest.

The following was written in May, 1979 by +John Cardinal Krol, Archbishop of Philaldelphia as a forward to Mary, Queen and Mother : Marian Pastoral Reflections by John J. Cardinal Carberry.  As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council as well as the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God this date, it is good to know what the Second Vatican Council really proclaimed regarding the most holy mother of God.

"Following the Second Vatican Council, some individuals and groups attributed to the Council things that were not said in or by the Council.  A classical example of misreading and misinterpreting the Council was provided by those who alleged that the role of Mary and devotion to Mary were somehow downgraded by the Council.

The fact is that never before in the history of the Church did any Ecumenical Council bring together in a single extensive body of doctrine, Mary's role in the mystery of Christ and His Church as fully as did the Second Vatican Council.  Pope John XXIII called for the the renewal of Christianity 'in a concentrated transport of Marian devotion.'  Practically all the significant dates of opening and closing of the Council sessions occurred on the feasts of the Blessed Virgin.  In the Council, Pope Paul VI proclaimed Mary as the Mother of the Church, expressing the 'trust that the Christian people will be sure to call upon the most Blessed Mother, with greater confidence and more fervent devotion.'

Faithful to the authentic teaching of the Council, the bishops of the United States on November 21, 1973, issued a pastoral letter on the Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title of Behold Your Mother - Woman of Faith.  To enhance devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mother, Pope Paul VI issued on February 2, 1974, an Apostolic Exhortation for the Right Ordering and Development of Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary..."


  1. Esther, Thank you so much for posting this..So many incorrectly taught that V II downgraded our Blessed Mother, but even a casual reading of the documents shows otherwise.

    Oh how we need her Immaculate Heart to bless us in these difficult days.

    Blessings to you and +

  2. Caroline, I hope you have a chance to read the Second Vatican Council papers. Today I read it was never the intention to have the faithful receive Holy Communion in the hand.

    God bless you too!
