Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Our Lady of Intercession for Poor Souls

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Shared by a friend.

   Most holy Mary, Our Lady of Intercession, your motherly
tenderness gathers in one embrace all the souls redeemed by the
Precious Blood of your Son Jesus. We come before your royal
throne with sadness in our hearts, but also with boundless
confidence in your intercession, as we remember those who have
gone before us. Death, which tore apart the bonds of earth, has
not destroyed the love that binds us to those who lived in the
same faith as we do.
       Mary, countless souls in that place of expiation await with
unspeakable anxiety the help of our prayers, and the merits of
our good works. Urged by the charity of Jesus Christ, we raise
our face and heart in prayer to you, merciful Mother of all the
faithful, in favor of those suffering souls. Make our prayers
effective, O Mary. Through your motherly intercession obtain
for them the power to move the Heart of Jesus, our Redeemer.
Let your matchless holiness supply the defects of our misery,
your love make good our weak affection, your power strengthen
our helplessness.
       Queen of heaven, grant that the burning desire of the souls
of the departed to be admitted to the Beatific Vision may soon
be satisfied. Mother, we pray to you especially for the souls of
our relatives, of priests, of those who were zealous in honoring
you, of those who did good to the souls of others, of those who
wept with them and for them and, finally, for the souls of those
who are forgotten. Grant that one day, when we are all reunited
in heaven, we may be able to rejoice in the possession of God, in
the happiness of your dear presence, in the company of all the
saints, thanking you forever for all the blessings you have
obtained for us, O Mother, our unfailing consolation. Amen.

Hail Mary (3 times).

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine
upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed through the
mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

Mary, Mother of God and Mother of mercy, pray for us and for all
who have died in the embrace of the Lord. Holy Mary, our Lady
of Deliverance, pray for us and for the holy souls in purgatory.

Most Merciful Jesus, lover of souls, I pray You, by the agony of
Your most Sacred Heart, and by the sorrows of Your Immaculate
Mother, to wash in Your Most Precious Blood, the sinners of
the world who are now in their agony, and who will die today.
Heart of Jesus, once in agony, have mercy on the dying.   Amen.

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