Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Last Letter of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

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"I do not know what to think of the state in which I now find myself.  Until how I have had three burning desires that were like three tyrants, making me suffer continual martyrdom and never giving me a moment's rest.  These three desires were to love my God Perfectly, to suffer greatly for love of Him, and to die of this burning love.

"But now, I find myself enjoying a tranquility of hear that I cannot describe, and the cessation of all desires surprises me.  I fear this supposed peace may be an effect of the insensitivity in which God sometimes leaves unfaithful souls; and I'm afraid that, through my great infidelities to His graces, I may have called this state down upon myself, which can be a kind of abandonment and reprobation.  For I assure you that I can no longer will or desire anything in this world, although I clearly see that I lack everything as far as virtue is concerned.  Sometimes I try to grieve over it, but I cannot, since it is not in my power, to so speak, to act.  I feel only a perfect acquiescence to the good pleasure of God and an ineffable pleasure in suffering.

"The thought that consoles me from time to time is that the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ will do everything for me, if I let Him have His way; He will love, desire, and will for me, and make up for all my failings."
This letter was written to her spiritual director right before her death as a "farewell to earth."

Source:  Saint Margaret Mary by Leon Cristiani, St. Paul Editions

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