Saturday, October 27, 2012

Prayer for New Evangelization

Image from Pinterest

Mahalo to a friend for sharing the following prayer.

Gracious God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Source of life and holiness, You call us to faith and trust.
Renew within the Church the grace of Pentecost
that the Good News of Jesus Christ
may be proclaimed with wisdom, courage, understanding,
right judgment, piety, wonder, and awe.
Through Word and Sacrament open our hearts to Your
Anoint us with your Holy Spirit for the mission of service,
justice, and peace that You may be known and loved by all.
In your loving mercy gather
the human family into communion with
the one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Blessed Virgin Mary,
Star of the New Evangelization,
intercede for us now and teach us
how to proclaim Jesus Christ,
the Way,
the Truth,
and Life Eternal.
~ Amen.~

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