Saturday, September 01, 2012

The Importance of the First Saturday Devotions

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 There is a tendency nowadays, in some quarters, to downplay the importance of Fatima, perhaps dismissing it as not "intellectual" enough, or even as something of an embarrassment in a modern Church. But the fact that all the popes since Pius XII have given it such strong support is an implicit rejection of such a position. In particular, Pope John Paul II has gone out of his way to affirm the importance of the message of Fatima, having recently beatified, in the Holy Year 2000, two of the three children, Jacinta and Francisco. He also authorized the release of the third part of the secret and directed Cardinal Ratzinger to publish it together with a Theological Commentary.
You can read the above article Fatima and the First Saturday Devotion by Donal Anthony Foley HERE

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