Saturday, September 29, 2012

Feast of the Archangels

"Three Archangels and Young Tobias" Filippino Lippi c. 1485 Turin

Picture source


Almighty God,
Creator of heaven and earth,
we praise and bless Thee not only 
because Thou hast created the visible world,
but also because Thou hast created the heavens and 
called the numberless spirits into being.
Thou didst create them
most splendidly,
endowing them with power and understanding
and pouring out upon them 
the riches of Thy grace.
We praise and thank Thee for having showered 
Thy graces upon the good angels and
rewarded them with
eternal glory 
after the time of their probation.
Now they surround Thy throne forever, singing in jubilant accord:

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts!
Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory.
Hosanna in the highest!

O Eternal God, Thy holy angels
serve Thee with constant fidelity and ready obedience.
They carry out Thy commands with fervent love and sacred enthusiasm.
We thank Thee, 
O Lord, for the example which Thou hast given us through Thy
princes, our holy protectors.

We will gladly follow the example they have given us.
All you holy angels, intercede for us
that we may share in your burning zeal and glowing love.
Help us to become worthy messengers and true servants of God,
to proclaim His holy will, 
and to spread the peace of Christ in the kingdom of Christ.


The Prayer Book

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