Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Prayer given by Our Blessed Mother to Blessed Anna Maria Taigi

from Esther's prayer card collection

Source: The Living Rosary

Prostrate at thy feet,
O Great Queen of Heaven,
we venerate thee with
the deepest reverence and
we confess that thou art the
Daughter of the Father,
the Mother of the Divine Word,
the Spouse of the Holy Ghost.
Thou art the storekeeper
and the almoner of the Divine Mercies...
For this reason,
we call thee Mother of Divine Compassion.
Behold us here in affliction and anguish.
Deign to show us thy true love.
We beg thee to ask the Holy Trinity
most fervently to grant us the grace
ever to conquer the devil,
and the world and our evil passions;
the efficacious grace that sanctifies the just,
converts, sinners,
destroys heresies,
enlightens infidels and
brings all men to the true faith.

Obtain for us this great gift that all the world may form but one people united in the One True Church.

Mary, Mother of Holy Hope.
Pray for us.

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