Thursday, August 30, 2012

Novena to Maria Bambina Starts Tomorrow

Picture source

Mahalo to Louise for sharing.

Novena Prayers Maria Bambina    

1.             Holy Child Mary, of the Royal house if David, Queen of the Angels, Mother of grace and love, I greet you
with all my heart. Obtain for me that I may love the Lord faithfully during all the days of my life. Obtain for     
me, too, a great devotion towards Thee, who art the first creature of God's love.     Hail Mary....

2.             O heavenly Child Mary, who, like a pure dove, was born Immaculate and beautiful, my soul rejoices before    
Thee, true prodigy of the wisdom of Good! O! do help me to preserve the angelic virtue of purity at the cost
of any sacrifice.   Hail Mary....

3.             Hail, lovely and holy Child, spiritual garden of delight, where, on the day of the Incarnation, the tree of Life    
was planted, assist me to avoid the poisonous fruit of the vanity and the pleasures of the world. Help me to
engraft into mu sould the thoughts, feelings and virtues of Thy divine Son.   Hail Mary....

4.             Hail, admirable Child Mary, closed garden, open only to the heavenly Spouse. O! lily of paradise, make me  
love the humble and hidden life; let the heavenly Spouse find the gate of my heart always open to the loving
calls of his graces and his inspirations. Hail Mary...

5.             Holy Child Mary. mustical dawn, happy gate of heavenm You are my trust and hope.  O powerful Advocate, from
thy little cradle, stretch your hand, support me in the path of life. Make me serve God with ardour and constancy
until death, and so reach an eternal crown.  Hail Mary....

Let us pray:

            Sweet Child Mary, who, being Mother of God, have also become our beloved Queen and Mother, for the numberless graces You have obtained for us, listen to my humble prayers. All my hope is upon You, in all the needs which surround me.

            Holy Child, by the merits and privileges which have been given only to You, be merciful towards me. Show that the source of the spiritual treasure You give out is inexhaustible. For the profusion of graces Almighty God has given You, O heavenly Child grant my prayer and I will praise Your goodness forever.

In Curia Archiep. Mediolani 
31 August 1931
Can. CAVEZZALI, Pro Vic. Gen

Brief History of Maria Bambina
(Holy Child Mary)

The Miraculous Image of Maria Bambina was made before
1730 by a Franciscan num who afterwards entrusted Her to
others during the ensuing years so that eventually She came
into the care of the Sisters of Charity at Lovere, Italy.

In 1866 these Sisters of Charity were requested to take over
the management of the hospital of Ciceri in Milan and in 1876
the waxen image was carried to their Mother House there
at Via S. Sofia 13, where She has remained ever since. All this
time this stature was exposed for veneration only on the 8th of
September, the Feast of Mary's Nativity, but in 1884 Maria
Bambina wanted to reward those who had devotion to her.

Due to paralysi in her arms and feet, Sr. Josephine Woinovich was
bedridden and in unbearable pain. On the day of September 8th
she begged Mother General to get Maria Bambina and leave the
Image near her overnight. The following morning the Mother
General was inspired to take the Image, so old, worn and grayish
colored to the other sick sisters in the infirmary so they could kiss
Her. Here there was a good novice, Giulia Macario, who was
unable to move because of her serious illness, but who, overcome
by her ardent faith, took the Image into her arms and pleaded with
Her in tender and loving words for the grace of her recovery. She
was immediately and miraculously cured, for such faith moves
mountains. And at the same time this Image itself underwent an
amazing transformation from the former dull gray color to the warm
flesh hues it has today, as can be seen, where She is enshrined in the
Sanctuary of the Mother House in Milan.

Many graces and miracles have come from devotion to the Maria
Bambina among them the recovery of Sr. Josephine Woinovich herself.
And that is why now these Sisters are commonly know as the Sisters
of Maria Bambina.

Imprimatur: In Curia Arch. Mediolani
die 14-1 - 1967
+Theresius Ferraroni

Litany in Honor of the Holy Infancy of the Blessed Virgin 

Lord, have mercy on us,...........................................................Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us,.........................................................Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us,...........................................................Lord, have mercy on us.
Infant Jesus, hear us,...............................................................Have mercy on us.
Infant Jesus, graciously hear us,...............................................Have mercy on us.
God the Father of heaven,.........................................................Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the World,........................................Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost,.................................................................Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,...............................................................Have mercy on us.
Holy Infant Mary,......................................................................Pray for us.
Infant Daughter of the Father,.....................................................Pray for us.
Infant, Mother of the Son,..........................................................Pray for us.
Infant, Spouse of the Holy Ghost,...............................................Pray for us.
Infant, Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity,...........................................Pray for us.
Infant, fruit of the prayers of thy parents,.....................................Pray for us.
Infant, riches of thy father,.........................................................Pray for us.
Infant, delight of thy mother,......................................................Pray for us.
Infant, honor of thy father,..........................................................Pray for us.
Infant, honor of thy mother,........................................................Pray for us.
Infant, miracle of nature,............................................................Pray for us.
Infant, prodigy of grace,.............................................................Pray for us.
Immaculate in thy Conception,...................................................Pray for us.
Most holy in thy Nativity,...........................................................Pray for us.
Most devout in thy Presentation,................................................Pray for us.
Masterpiece of God's grace,......................................................Pray for us.
Aurora of the Sun of Justice,.....................................................Pray for us.
Beginning of our joy,.................................................................Pray for us.
End of our evils,.......................................................................Pray for us.
Infant, joy of earth,....................................................................Pray for us.
Infant, joy of heaven,.................................................................Pray for us.
Pattern of our charity,...............................................................Pray for us.
Model of our humility,...............................................................Pray for us.
Infant, most powerful,................................................................Pray for us.
Infant, most mild,......................................................................Pray for us.
Infant, most pure,......................................................................Pray for us.
Infant, most obedient,................................................................Pray for us.
Infant, most poor,......................................................................Pray for us.
Infant, most meek,....................................................................Pray for us.
Infant, most amiable,.................................................................Pray for us.
Infant, most admirable,..............................................................Pray for us.
Infant, incomparable,.................................................................Pray for us.
Infant, health of the sick,...........................................................Pray for us.
Comfortess of the afflicted,........................................................Pray for us.
Refuge of Sinners,....................................................................Pray for us.
Hope of Christians,...................................................................Pray for us.
Lady of the Angels,..................................................................Pray for us.
Daughter of the Patriarchs,.......................................................Pray for us.
Desire of the Prophets,.............................................................Pray for us.
Mistress of the Apostles,..........................................................Pray for us.
Strength of Martyrs,.................................................................Pray for us.
Glory of the Priesthood,............................................................Pray for us.
Joy of Confessors,...................................................................Pray for us.
Purity of Virgins,......................................................................Pray for us.
Queen of all Saints,.................................................................Pray for us.
Infant, our Mother,...................................................................Pray for us.
Infant, Queen of our hearts,......................................................Pray for us.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,.................Spare us, Infant Jesus.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,.................Graciously hear us, Infant Jesus.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,.................Have mercy on us, Infant Jesus.
Infant Jesus,............................................................................Hear us.
Infant Jesus,............................................................................Graciously hear us.


O almighty and merciful God, Who through the cooperation of the Holy Ghost, didst prepare the body and soul of the Immaculate Infant Mary that she might be the worthy Mother of Thy Son, and didst preserve her from all stain, grant that we who venerate with all our hearts her most holy childhood, may be freed, through her merits and intercession, from all uncleanness of mind and body, and be able to imitate her perfect humility, obedience and charity. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

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