Wednesday, June 13, 2012

St. Anthony of Padua

This morning we had the privilege of venerating the relic of St. Anthony as it placed on the altar during Mass.  Father R. gave a lively homily on his favorite saint.  He talked to us about curious ways Catholics have of asking for St. Anthony's intercession.  It seems that some Catholics, (and I won't mention what country) looking for a spouse turn to St. Anthony.  Specifically, they turn the statue of St. Anthony upside down until he answers their prayers.  Another way St. Anthony, the finder of lost things is used is for finding a parking space.  I am sure just about all of us have asked St. Anthony to intercede for us when we lose something.  I often ask him to intercede for family members and friends to find their way back home to the Catholic Church.  He is also one of the patron saints on the  Prayers for Our Pets blog. Father R.enjoined us this morning to ask St. Anthony to help us find peace in our hearts when we are troubled.

Devotion to St. Anthony has always been big in our family.  My grandmother, who would have been 99 today was born on his feast day.  She had a huge affection for this dear saint.  She learned it from her mother, my great-grandmother.

Happy Feast of St. Anthony!


  1. Hi Esther,
    St. Anthony is a crowd favorite (I am part of the Our pastor gave a great homily on St. Anthony too. Did you know that some people were converted simply by walking by this great saint? Amazing!

    I never heard of turning a statue of St. Anthony upside down until he answers prayers :) No, I will not try this at home (hee,hee)! God must shake His Head sometimes at the antics of His children on earth.

    It occurs to me that some things concerning the saints border on superstition which the Church frowns upon.

    God bless!

  2. What a blessing to be able to venerate his relics.
    Holy St. Anthony, pray to God for us.

  3. Mimi, it was a pleasant surprise to see the reliquary there!

    Mary, I had never heard that either. And, I agree on how some forms do border on superstition. God does have a good sense of humor though ;-)

  4. that's new to me about St. Anthony finding a spouse.
    I am young adult well not "young" more, may you join me in asking St. Anthony to help me find a good husband please, ty!
