Thursday, May 10, 2012

Feast of Saint Damien

Koa Statue of St. Damien, Sacred Heart Church, Honolulu
Someone inquired about the Litany of St. Damien.  My search led me to this lovely litany which I share with you on the feast day of this beloved saint.  Happy Feast of St. Damien!

Litany of Father Damien

Leader:  O Saint Damien warm greetings. Here we are, people of Hawai’i.
Hawai’i invokes your name, so renowned. Your name resounds against the
cliffs of Kalawao and Kalaupapa, high cliffs on the isle of Moloka’i.  Your
name travels across the sea to distant lands.

O Saint Damien     Pray for us
Salvation of the sick of Moloka’i  Pray for us
Honored son of Belgium    Pray for us
Glorious servant of the Church  Pray for us
Beacon of light for the world   Pray for us
Great heart of compassion   Pray for us
Father and friend of the afflicted  Pray for us
Adopted son of Hawai’i    Pray for us

All:O Saint Damien, listen to our humble prayer. We chant our praise of love
to you. Pray for us and for our loving home. Pray too, for the healing of our
sick, especially for those whose names are written on our hearts, through
the intercession of Mary, Our Lady of Peace, patroness of the Hawaiian
Islands and our Mother. We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ, our
Lord and our God, source of all consolation. Amen.  (composed by Hualani Brandt)

Source of the litany.


  1. I need to get back to the islands soon to see that statue!

  2. Father, please do! This historic church also has beautiful stained glass windows imported from France.
