Tuesday, April 10, 2012

St. Faustina's Advice on Praying for Our Confessors

Photo source: Divine Mercy Center of Hawaii

The following is from St. Faustina's Diary (647):
"...I came to understand one thing: I must pray much for each of my confessors, that he might obtain the light of the Holy Spirit, for when I approach the confessional without first praying fervently, the confessor does not understand me very well..."

This is a powerful reminder that we should not only pray daily for our priests but especially to remember to pray for our own dear confessors so we are assured of not only making a good confession but will also be given the spiritual guidance and direction that our own soul needs.


  1. Thank you for posting this! St Faustina's Diary is such a rich treasury of wisdom.
    Blessings and + in this Easter season.

  2. You're welcome Caroline. And, I agree, it is a treasure trove! Happy Easter!

  3. Love this! The older I get the more I realize how powerful sincere prayer can be.

  4. I took one of my sons to the Bishop for confession this morning. I waited for him in front of the tabernacle praying for him to make a good confession. I was overcome with how much grace God was pouring into his soul as he was releasing his sins to make room for holiness. What would we do without this blessed and beautiful sacrament and those wonderful men who offer us the opportunity to cleanse our souls? Yes, pray for our confessors!

  5. Oh, Anne! That is beautiful!

  6. What a great quote indeed, thank you!

  7. So happy you liked it, Mimi!
