Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The World Apostolate of Fatima strongly encourages all to participate in the USCCB's (Religious Liberty & Conscience Rights) prayer campaign.

World Apostolate of Fatima: Hawaii Division


The World Apostolate of Fatima strongly encourages all to participate
in the USCCB's (Religious Liberty & Conscience Rights) prayer campaign.

The Administrative Committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), at its March 13-14 meeting in Washington, called for a nationwide prayer campaign for protection of religious freedom and conscience rights from several threats, including the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mandate that forces employers, including religious ones, to provide contraception/sterilization in their health plans.

"We call upon the Catholic faithful, and all people of faith, throughout our country to join us in prayer and penance for our leaders and for the restoration of our First Freedom-religious liberty-which is not only protected in the laws and customs of our great Nation, but rooted in the teachings of our great Tradition," the bishops said in "United for Religious Freedom" a March 14 statement. "Prayer is the ultimate source of our strength-for without God, we can do nothing; but with God, all things are possible."

The following prayers may be used in solidarity with the bishops' call to penance and prayer to restore religious freedom & conscience protections.

Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty

The Religious Liberty prayer is currently available as a downloadable PDF file for use in English- and Spanish-speaking settings. It is featured with three different images of the Blessed Virgin Mary & St. Thomas More.

Please check back again soon for information on how to order versions of these 2-sided color cards from USCCB Publications.

Immaculate Conception - Mary as the Immaculate Conception is the Patroness of the United States of America
María Inmaculada - Patrona de Nuestro País
St. Thomas More - St. Thomas More is the Patron of Religious Freedom.
Santo Tomás Moro- Patrón de las Libertades Religiosas

Additional Suggested Prayers

Prayers of the Faithful ~ Prayer for Formation of Conscience ~ Prayer for Our Nation ~ Prayer for Our Leaders

Oración por la formación de conciencia ~ Oraciónes de los fieles ~ Oración por la protección de los derechos de conciencia ~ Oración por el gobierno ~ Oración por nuestra nación ~ Oración por la libertad religiosa (Tarjetas para oración nacional)

Deacon Bob Ellis
Executive Director & National Coordinator
World Apostolate of Fatima, USA
674 Mountain View Rd. East
Asbury, NJ 08802
Visit us at:
Email to: Shrine@BlueArmy.com

An Association of Pontifical Right

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