Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Letting God be in Charge

The following is from the meditation of the day in today's Magnificat reading. It gives us much to contemplate.

Jesus, I trust in You!

Let us imagine our confusion when we appear before God and understand the reasons why He sent us the crosses we accept so unwillingly. The death of a child will then be seen as its rescue from some great evil had it lived, separation from the woman you love the means of saving you from an unhappy marriage, a severe illness the reason for many years of life afterwards, loss of money the means of saving your soul from eternal loss. So what are we worried about? God is looking after us and yet we are full of anxiety! We trust ourselves to a doctor because we suppose he knows his business. He orders an operation which involves cutting away part of our body and we accept it. We are grateful to him and pay him a large fee because we judge he would not act as he does unless the remedy were necessary, and we must rely on his skill. Yet, we are unwilling to treat God in the same way! It looks as if we do not trust His wisdom and are afraid He cannot do His job properly. We allow ourselves to be operated on by a man who may easily make a mistake- a mistake which may cost us our life and protest when God sets to work on us.

If we could see all He sees we would unhesitatingly wish all He wishes. We would beg Him on bended knees for those afflictions we now ask Him to spare us. To all of us He addresses the words spoken to the sons of Zebedee: You know not what you ask - O blind of heart, your ignorance saddens me. Let me manage your affairs and look after your interests. I know what you need better than you do yourselves. If I paid heed to what you think you need you would have been hopelessly ruined long ago. - St. Claude de Colombiere, spiritual director of St. Mary Margaret Alacoque.


  1. Perfect timing, Esther! I needed that.

  2. I've received a few requests to open up Pay It Forward to posts from a bloggers own blog. I thought I'd give it a try. Although the original idea was to share what you've seen elsewhere on the internet, I recognize that each time we post something on our own blogs we are also sharing Good News, great tips, wonderful prayers, fabulous photos, scrumptious recipes, hilarious humor, unbelievable books, stories of goodwill, or good things that have knocked our socks off. So let's give it a try—shall we? I'd love to have you link up!

    I'll leave the March linky open until March 14th.(Entered links will appear in two posts.) I can't wait to see what gets posted!

  3. Oh, you're welcome Evann!

    Holly, I saw that on your blog. I will see if I have something worthwhile to share. Thanks!

  4. Hi Esther,

    The Magnificat has many thought provoking reflections. It helps us think beyond ourselves and delve into God's word. I have the Lenten companion that I enjoy reading.

    Come by my blog if you'd like to check out a giveaway I have going on right now. It's a Catholic game created by Jennifer of Crafolic to teach children about sin, grace and confession.
