Saturday, February 11, 2012

Our Lady of Lourdes

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O my Mother,
O immaculate,
O pure,
O holy,
O spotless virgin Mary!
if we only knew thee,
how many hearts would cease to be wicked,
how many souls viewing the dazzling splendors of thy graces would hasten to walk in thy footsteps.
O dear Mother,
show thyself to the world,
lost in the darkness of sin.
O resplendent Morning Star,
remove from our eyes the veil which sin has placed there;
open them to the divine light,
and may its heavenly influence blot out our stains,
enliven our actions,
and increase in our hearts a pure and ardent love for Jesus,
thy Divine Son, by the sweet and delightful tears of holy penance.
O Mary, the immaculate heart was Jesus' earthly home;
deign to make my heart also His home.
O Mary, be by me when Jesus comes to judge me.
May my last words in this life and my first in the next be "Jesus, my savior; and Mary, my Mother."

The Prayer Book


  1. acadiANNA1:14 PM

    Esther, thank you for posting this beautiful prayer. It is one I am going to add to daily meditation.
    Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us.

  2. I'm very happy you liked it! It is from an old prayer book filled with many good prayers. God bless.

  3. Hello Esther

    Thank you for this beautiful prayer.
    Our Lady of Lourdes holds a special place in my heart

    Helen Tilston

  4. You're welcome Helen. Happy Feast Day!
