Monday, February 20, 2012

My Lenten Goals

UPDATE: I thought I would share something for Holly's Pay it Forward: I haven't been too busy blogging as it is Lent. So please forgive if I share this older post.

The other day before confession I had time to reflect on my sins and failings. I took this opportunity to write down a list of goals in my spiritual journal. The only reason I am sharing this here on my blog is that perhaps it will encourage others to make similar Lenten goals.

1. Curbing the Tongue

- I will not give opinions especially when not asked.

- I will not complain about little aches and pains.

- I will not criticize anyone, and that includes politicians and celebrities.

- I will not make small talk just for the sake of speaking.

- I will listen to the person speaking to me and give them my undivided attention.

- I will try to curb leaving comments on social networks unless really necessary...(e.g. correcting erroneous Catholic teaching).

- I will limit my time on social networks, especially Twitter and Facebook.

- I will think (and pray) before speaking.

2. Reading books that will help me grow spiritually.  The following are the books I have chosen from the bookshelf.

Blessed Mother - The True Story of Fatima by Father John de Marchi, I.M.C.

Spiritual Direction - The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena

- In Silence with God by Benedict Baur, O.S.B.

- Consoling the Heart of Jesus: A Dopit-Yourself Retreat Inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius by Father Michael E. Gaitley, MIC

- Spiritual Doctrine of St. Augustine by Ignatius M. Barrachina, O.C.D.

- Time Management: A Catholic Approach by Marshall J. Cook

Female Saint - Saint Philomena: Powerful with God by Sister Marie Helene Mohr. S.C. (I want to find out why both St. Jean Vianney, St. Damien of Molokai and my mom had a deep devotion to her)

Saint during the Liturgical Season of Lent - The Divine Favors Granted to St. Joseph by Pere Binet

Male Saint: The Life of Saint Claude de la Colombiere: Spiritual Director of St. Margaret Mary by Ruth H. Lavigne

The Holy Eucharist: - The Eucharist by Father Lawrence G. Lovasik

- 7 Secrets of the Eucharist by Vinny Flynn

Spiritual Direction:

Although the priest I asked to be my spiritual director accepted my request, we still have not been able to meet based on conflicts of time. There I will pause at least three times during the day to pray for the intercession of St. Padre Pio, Our Blessed Mother and the Holy Spirit to help guide me spiritually.

Holy Mass:

I will pay special attention to the suffering and death Jesus experienced for love of a sinner like me, especially during the Consecration. I will remember to pray for the grace to love God more.


  1. Great Lenten goals Esther!

  2. Thank you Melissa. So much needed improvement on my part.

  3. Esther~ No wonder you are too busy to blog! Your busy fulfilling this wonderful list!! Happy Lent...

  4. I love that you listed the books your going to read. I'm always looking for good books and I like to get recommendations from people I know. You've taken on a lot this Lent. My list is much smaller and I've already come up short. Drat!

    Thanks for linking up with Pay it Forward.


  5. "I will listen to the person speaking to me and giving them my undivided attention."

    This is one very powerful goal, and extremely challenging. I think this is really what Christ meant when he spoke of the birds and flowers being cared for, giving giving God every moment with present attention. In fact I think you could honestly gauge a person's holiness by how focused they are on the people and circumstances that God has put them in in the present moment.

    Really being there for every person in your path is a mighty first step.

    Best of luck, and deepest prayers.

  6. Holly, thanks for the opportunity to share that post. I may have taken on too much as each day is a struggle with something or other but I am learning to trust in God and letting Him lead the way.

    Dance: Well put! Thank you.

    BTW, I am glad you both commented as I found a couple of mistakes which have now been corrected.
