Thursday, January 05, 2012

Prayer by Saint John Neumann

O my Jesus,
I rejoice that I can again show my love for you.
Come, O my Lord, come and inflame my heart with love for you.
You raised Lazarus from the dead.
As I rise, let your mercy awaken me from the darkness of sin, from the bonds that hold me fast.
You can heal all wounds of my soul.
For this, O Jesus, accept my thanks.
From this day I will begin a new life.
With the help of your grace I will be patient, diligent, and devout.
Show me the occasions in which I may practice my good resolutions.
Grant, O Jesus, my request to love and praise you with my whole heart, with my whole soule, and with all my strength.
Mother of Jesus, pray to your Son for me.
Jesus, be with me; stay with me this day...

O Jesus, my divine and most amiable teacher, teach me humility and resignation to your most holy will.
This I ask with confidence.
You granted me temporal favors when I called on you; you will not now reject my prayer for spiritual favors.
True, the favor I know beg is infinitely superior to any temporal one and I am altogether unworthy to receive it, yet it was your will that I should be humble, truly humble, with sincere, heartfelt humility.
Grant me this favor, that I may be more conformable to you.
Grant it , my beloved Savior, my most amiable. Teacher.

Source Magnficat