Monday, January 23, 2012

Hawaii March for Life 2012

These photos were taken by my son at the annual Hawaii March and Rally for Life. It was held at the state capitol yesterday, the actual anniversary of the dreadful Roe v. Wade decision. My family and I have been attending this annual pro-life event fo rover 15 years. At first there was a small crowd that would make it out to witness for life. It is amazing how much the march has grown over the years! The young people are the ones who making making a big impact in witnessing for life. Pray for them. Pray for conversion of those who are opposed to the culture of life.

Thousands upon thousands are marching right now at nationals capitol. Please pray for them!

Our new dog is pro-life


  1. Love the picture of you and your dog. So cute.

  2. I had no idea there was a March for Life in Hawaii! God Bless everyone who attended! I attended the March in DC, it was so encouraging and inspiring to see so many people of all ages gathered to be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.

  3. Oh, yes Caitlin! There has been a march for life ever since Hawaii was the first state to legalize abortion. There was also one on the Big Island.
