Friday, January 06, 2012

Congratulations to Archbishop Timothy Dolan - Elevated to Cardinal

By now you have heard or read the wonderful news! Pope Benedict names 22 new cardinals, including New York’s Timothy Dolan>.

I wanted to share an interesting post about Archbishop Dolan so this is a perfect time to do so.

Picture source

Young John, who blogs at Writings of a Boy Discerning God's Call wrote Archbishop Dolan an interesting a couple of months ago. He recently received a response from the very busy archbishop. If you click the above link you can read about it and even read the scanned letter.

I'd also ask that you keep Archbishop Dolan in your prayers as well as young men like John, who continue to discern the priesthood.


  1. Esther, this is very sweet of you! Thank you for this post and for your prayers and for encouraging others to pray for John and all of those in discernment for the priesthood!

  2. acadiANNA4:49 PM

    So happy for Archbishop Dolan! Praying as well for John, that he may hear what God is asking of him and praying for all others discerning the will of God. P.S. How is Father Rookey?

  3. Anne, you and your husband are raising such a fine son!

    Anna: I have not received any updates. Please keep praying. Thanks for your prayers for the discernment of God's will.

  4. acadiANNA6:43 AM

    Esther, thank you for your response.God bless you and all of the posters.
