Friday, November 04, 2011

Be Courageous: Adopt a Keiki,

I have been praying and asking for prayers for the children in the foster care system. The following is an article written by the executive director of Hawaii Family Forum, Allen Cardines, Jr.

I received an email on Wednesday reminding me that there are children in Hawaii entrapped in our state foster care system that need Jesus. I also heard about 3 foster youths who are turning 18 soon and have NO FAMILY to support them and love them through their young adult years. These precious keiki need both the love of Jesus AND a permanent home. Could YOU be the one the Lord is calling?

As we approach the holiday season, we must consider all the children in Hawaii that do not have a loving family to share a Thanksgiving meal with or spend the Christmas holiday with. This breaks my heart.

The sad fact remains that, right here in Hawaii, there are hundreds of keiki whose only permanent parent is the state of Hawaii. These children are modern day orphans living among us. Their birthparents’ rights had to be terminated so they could have an opportunity for safety, security and happiness throughout their lives.

These keiki don’t have the security and happiness they deserve because they have no adoptive families to call their own. Many live in multiple temporary foster homes and are at risk of moving into adulthood with no forever family. Many are older and desire to be part of a family, but most people don’t know of their desperate need. Well, now you know (if you didn't already.)

As it has done since 2006, Hawaii Family Forum (HFF) is partnering with HOPE INC (In the Name of Christ), a Christian adoption agency to recruit, train and support families from the faith based community willing to provide a forever home to one of these needy children.

If you or someone you know would be willing to open your heart and home to a child without a family please contact HOPE INC at (808) 230-2445 or via email. Please let us know, if you would like to schedule a workshop at your church.

Allen Cardines, Jr.

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