Wednesday, November 02, 2011

All Soul's Day

Picture source

From the Pieta prayer book:

Pray for the Souls in Purgatory

The Holy Souls in purgatory are incapable of helping themselves. They depend on the works of mercy by the living and the mercy of Jesus and Mary to shorten their time in purgatory. Their souls are very dear to God's Heart. He is most generous to those who offer every good act, suffering, prayers, or Holy Mass for these souls. In gratitude they intercede for us.

(St. John Vianney once said: "The good God will render us back the good we do for them - poor souls - a hundredfold."

On August 16, 1969 in San Damiano, Italy, Our Lady asked that we pray very much for the poor souls and that if we pray these prayers, we'll "deliver so many souls, so many souls!" Note: The Pieta prayer book may have been referring to this.

"Pray: 5 Apostle's Cred; 1 Hail Holy Queen; 1 Our Father; 1 Hail Mary; 1 Glory be; 1 Requiem: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them, and may they rest in peace. Amen."

Requiem Indulgenced by Pope Leo XIII, March 22, 1902.


  1. I have the Pieta prayer book, Esther. I love this little book...except for the series of prayers at the beginning of the book. I drove myself batty trying to complete them. I remember being on vacation once years ago and sinning against charity just so I could complete my daily prayers (it was that scrupulosity thing). And I'm serious! No wonder the Lord never gave me the grace to finish them :) I DO like the purgatory prayers though and have prayed them often. God allows me to complete!

  2. Mary, I am glad to know I am in good company. I tried to do those prayers but I would find myself rushing through them just to get it over with. I'm sure God was really pleased with that attitude!! :-)

  3. Oh funny!! How God must laugh at us sometimes :) Coincidentally my word verification was rever - it didn't take but a second for me to tag an e on there! Lol! Fits in with our comments!

    Thanks for the doggy tips, too!

  4. LOL Mary :-)

    You're welcome.
