Monday, November 28, 2011

Advent 2011

The following is from the EWTN Advent Calender. My family is using those daily reflections with our own Advent Calender (see picture above).


Christ is the ultimate center of meaning in the universe. It is through Christ that all people will be led to the Father. How can we hope to achieve a world in which all will seek the path of God? Only when men and women are working to achieve the unity that Christ’s redemption promises us.

Advent Action

Perform an act of kindness for someone you do not know.


Lord, help me be at home with You, that I may listen to Your word and walk in Your way.

With the short season of Advent, we are given a wonderful opportunity to wait and welcome our new born King! There are many ways to do so such as:

1. Fasting: Either severely by bread and water on one day or by skipping a meal at least once a week. We will be less focused on our tummy and be alert for the coming of Christ as a newborn babe.  We can also focus our attention on making more mortifications during this time.

2. Silence: By keeping a close guard over the words that come out of our mouths, we will use our ears more to listen for the stillness of the night when Jesus is born.

3. Spiritual Reading This Advent Season, let the Holy Spirit guide us to that little stable in Bethlehem by reading the Book of Isaiah or any other appropriate book.

4. Gift-giving Pray and think about truly meaningful gifts you can give your loved ones, friends or those less fortunate. Let us try not to get caught up in the mad rush to buy something, especially something costly, just for the sake of appearances. If we do, there is a very good chance we will end up with an empty feeling and full of debt.  We need to remember that it is not our birthday but Jesus' birthday. What can we give Him to show Him how much we truly love Him?

5. Keeping Watch at Home  During the commercial Christmas season, there are many parties, get-togethers, concerts, etc., that will pretty much take up a lot of our time and energy. It will be very difficult to wait patiently for the birth of our Lord if we are so distracted. Let us try to maybe attend one or two social events and no more than that. Let us instead spend more peaceful time at home with our families.

What are some ways you and your family will be making this Advent time special?  Please share.


  1. usual Esther! Thanks for the link!!

    Advent Blessings!

  2. Thank you very much Ebeth. I hope you have a very blessed Easter.
