Saturday, October 15, 2011

Words of Saint Teresa de Jesús

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 "...Why must we desire so many blessings and joys, and everlasting glory, all at the cost of the good Jesus?  If we are not helping Him to carry His Cross with the Cyrenean shall we not at least weep with the daughters of Jerusalem?...

Detail of the Ecstasy of St. Teresa by Gianlorenzo Bernini

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"We can converse and speak with Thee about anything, just as we wish, when we have lost our initial fear and terror at seeing Thy majesty and acquired a deeper fear of offending Thee--but not a fear of punishment, my Lord, for that is of no account by comparison with loss of Thee! ..."

Source: The Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila: The Life of Teresa of Jesus, Image Books.

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