Saturday, October 01, 2011

Feast of the Guardian Angels and Respect Life Sunday

This post is dedicated to my guardian angel, whom I often neglect and take for granted. Thank you Angel of God, my guardian dear, from the moment of my conception, for always keeping safe.

It seems providential that the Feast of the Guardian Angels falls on Respect Life Sunday. Let us pray that the Guardian Angels of all the preborn babies, protect these little ones and keep them safe in their mothers' womb. May the Guardian Angels protect the elderly people in their care, from disrespect and lack of charity shown them because they are now old. May the Guardian Angels of all disabled people, guard them and guide them as they deal with the daily struggles brought on because of their disabilities. And, may the guardian angels soften the hearts of those who fail to see the dignity of all these human beings, created in God's image.

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"See that you never despise any of the little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven are continually in the presence of my Father in heaven." - Matthew 18:10

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by Filippo Tarchiani

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by Pietro Novelli
by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri

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by Giovanni Antonio

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by Francesco de Mura

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