Thursday, September 01, 2011

Message from Father Gordon MacRae

Friends: Just to show you how much your participation in the Novena means to Father Gordon, I am sharing his recent email he sent to me.  I may have had the inspiration from the Holy Spirit to start the novena, but it was really special having all of you join in.  Wow!  So, even though Father thanks me in the email, know he is very grateful to all of you too.  I do have his permission to post it here.

Please continue to pray for Father and also for his good friends Porchai and Donald. Mahalo!

Dear Esther,

I have had so many people contact me with comments that they are joining your Novena that it has been overwhelming and I thank you. At Mass on Sunday night, I told Pornchai and our convert friend Donald about the Novena and they were both very grateful to you. So am I. It was a wonderful gesture, and I think it worked! Bill Donohue's comments on EWTN were evidence of its power, and yesterday there was a minor miracle. I was interviewed for 2 1/2 hrs. by an independent filmmaker doing a documentary on falsely accused priests. To my great shock, and his, the prison officials allowed him to bring in a camera crew. It was unheard of here, but it went very well. Charlene helped to orchestrate it, and she too had joined your Novena. She nagged me to grow some hair for the filming, but that was just impossible. I lost all my hair in prison, and now I look like Kojak.

With thanks and blessings,
Fr. Gordon

Sent on behalf of
These Stone Walls


  1. Esther! This is wonderful news! Thank you for sharing it with us! I'll link to your post if you don't mind. (Hey, at least I'm not outright thieving it this time :)

  2. LOL! I'd hate for you to have to go to confession over that ;-)

  3. Especially 'cause I just went :)

  4. This is wonderful Esther. Thank you for sharing Father's e-mail. Just goes to show the power of prayer and even more so when so many join together in prayer.
    Thanks for starting the novena and God bless.

  5. This really is news worthy of thanksgiving and celebration. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  6. Hi Esther, I'm so glad to see you gathering prayers and holy angels on behalf of Father McRae. Thanks for sharing the email. It brought tears to my eyes. God bless you in all you do.

  7. Mary, Karinann, Susan and Kay, mahalo nui loa for spreading the word and participating in this novena. God bless you all abundantly!

  8. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!! So glad to hear this :)

  9. Kathryn, thank you!!
