Monday, September 26, 2011

The Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers

In a recent post I shared something that I found in Mother's Love, the newsletter for the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers. I told a few blogger friends that I would tell you a little more about this marvelous archconfraternity for Catholic women.

First of all, this archconfraternity is a ministry of the Capuchin Franciscans, especially under the leadership of Father Angelus Shaughnessy, OFM Cap, the national executive director.

Ideally, a chapter should be started at the parish level with the permission of your own pastor. In my case, this could not done so the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers extended a special membership to me so that I could belong.

The following is the letter I received when I joined.

Dear Mrs. Gefroh:

"Your request for membership has been received and your name has been entered on the Register of the Archconfraternity. In the event a Confraternity is established in your parish at some future date, you may transfer to the local Confraternity. We are happy to send you the Certificate of Membership, the Christian Mother Medal and a Daily Prayer Card. Your medal is blessed.

As a Christian Mother there is one prayer that you are requested to pray every day. It is called your"Daily Prayer." By praying it you are helping yourself and all the other mothers who in turn are helping you.

Mothers have told me where they keep their Daily Prayer Card: above the sink, inside the cabinet door, pinned to the curtain, and even slipped into the corner of a mirror - good spots for seeing the prayer and for being reminded to pray it every day.

You will want to wear your medal at least once a month when you receive Holy Communion for all the mothers.

May our Blessed Mother direct you in guiding your children and getting them ready for Heaven.

Goid bless yo and your family.

Fr. Angelus Shaughnessy, O.F.M.Cap.
National Executive Director

In case you are curious, I keep my daily prayer card in my Pieta prayer book so I can pray it along with my other daily prayers.

"Mothers rule the world. They guide the destinies of homes...That is why God is relying on mothersto keep Christ in the world by keeping Him in their hearts and homes.


The Archconfratnerity of Christian Mothers has for its object the Christian home education of children by truly Christian Mothers. It plans to unite by the observance of its rules and regulations all Christian ladies, married or widowed, who are willing to assist one another to attain this noble purpose. Under the special patronage of the "Mother of Sorrows" the members are encouraged joyously and hopefully to undertake the important task of training and sanctifying the young souls entrusted to their care. They are schooled to edify one another by word and deed, to support one another by fervent prayers and thus become the mainstay of spiritual life within their own family, and a fruitful source of blessing to the community in which they live. This is the principal aim of all confraternities affiliated with the Archconfraternity.


The vocation of Christian Mothers together with their spouses is the formation of their children in the home according to the principles of Sacred Scripture and the consistent teaching of the Catholic Church. Any good practicing Catholic woman, married or widowed with or without children, may be admitted to the Archconfraternity, provided she seriously intents to promote the aims of the confraternity, especially that of the Christian home education of children. and to comply with its statutes.

For more information, contact:

Father Angelus Shaughnessy OFM Cap
National Executive Director
220-37th Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

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