Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Santa Rosa de Lima

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The Savior raised His voice and said with incomparable majesty: Know that grace follows the tribulation. Know that without the weight of afflictions we do not reach the height of grace. Understand that conforming to the works, together we increase the measures of the charisma. Let know one fool themselves: this is the only true stairway to paradise, outside of the cross, there is no path by which we can climb to Heaven! Having heard these words, I was in a powerful impetus to get in the middle of the square to shout with great cries, telling everyone, of any age, sex, state and condition they were: "Listen people, listen, all people: to the words taken from Christ's own mouth, I say: that we cannot acquire grace without suffering afflictions; there is the need of works and more works, to obtain the intimate participation of the divine nature, the glory of the children of God and the perfect beauty of the soul.

This stimulus impetuously drove me to preach on the beauty of the divine grace, it distressed me, made me sweat and crave it. It seems that the soul could no longer detain itself in the bodily prison, but instead it had to break free from the prison, free and alone, with much agility, it should go throughout the world, crying out: "Oh, if mortals only knew what a great thing is grace, how beautiful, how noble, how precious, how many riches are hidden in it, how many treasures, how much jubilation and delights! Without doubt, they would employ all diligence, cares and anxieties to search for pains and afflictions, they would walk through the world searching for troubles, illnesses and torments, instead of adventures, to obtain the ultimate treasure of the constancy of suffering. No one would complain of their cross or works which are their lot if they knew the scale where they weighted and shared among men.

Translated from this source by Esther.

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