Wednesday, August 10, 2011

San Lorenzo

The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence by Agnolo Bronzino

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It seems that everyone is familiar with the grim humor shown by our saint while he was on the grill.  According to a book I am reading, that was not the rest of the story.
Saint Lawrence by Fra Angelico

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According to Robert Eimer, O.M.I. author of Tilted Haloes, St. Lawrence also continued with the following: 

Martyrdom of St. Lawrency by Valentine De Boulogne

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"It seems that the Roman deacon Lawrence, gleefully, as we hear today, was being roasted alive on a spit over blazing coals.  Turning to his executioners, he remarked: 
The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence by Jacopo Vignali

Picture source

'Let my body now be turned; one side is broiled enough.'  Then he added the phrase we seldom hear:  'Eat now, for it is well done.'"

The Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee

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