Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Heavenly Beautifier

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"Moses 'did not know that the skin of his face had become radiant while he conversed with the Lord.'"
Exodus 34:29-35

The above quote from Exodus was the first reading of today's Mass.  Moses' face became radiant because he came in contact with the living God, face to face.
St. Michael Friary Chapel, Paterson, NJ

We too have the opportunity to encounter the living God whenever we enter a Catholic church or chapel.  Our God is the same God that spoke to Moses.  That close proximity with our creator transformed Moses' face into such a radiance that he had to cover his face from the others.  Just imagine how much our countenance will be changed when we go before the Lord, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and sincerely adore Him!  It is not only our faces that will transform, but more importantly, this transformation will come about because our hearts will transform.  Our hearts will know love and in turn, will give love to others.  This love will make us beautiful.

There is a strange way of gauging beauty by worldly standards.  For instance, the Hollywood crowd is referred to as the "beautiful people".  People Magazine, has their annual Beautiful People issue.  But if we think about the people we really consider beautiful, we will realize those are the people who radiate love and joy.  Those people are beautiful on the inside and out and that is not just a cliché.

"Girl in the Mirror" by Norman Rockwell 1954

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  1. Great post, thanks you Esther.

  2. Thanks so much for your kind comment, Richard. God bless.
