Saturday, July 02, 2011

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Pasquale Sarullo "Maria Immaculata"

Picture source

"To be devoted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary means to contemplate this maternal love that the Mother of God injects into the mystery of the Redemption and into the life of the Church.  It means to acknowledge therein a more comprehensible and accessible sign of the Father's love.  it means to cast ourselves on the heart of Mary, Mother of Christ and Mother of the Church, to live the mystery of the Redemption in all its vivifying depth and fullness and to place ourselves at the service of our brothers and sisters on each.

What it means to consecrate ourselves to Mary's Immaculate Heart.
"...some of the special fruits which devotion to the Heart of Mary cannot fail to produce in the souls of those who practice it.  They are...1.  a unified and profound understanding of the mystery of Mary;
2.  a serious spiritual commitment, sustained by consecration to her Immaculate heart; and
3.  a greater facility for and assurance of reaching union with Christ who lives in the Immaculate Heart of His Mother."

Dictionary of Mary, Catholic Book Publishing.


  1. I’m volunteering at a Catholic organization, Aid to the Church in Need. They are sending three of their staff to Madrid for World Youth Day. I can’t go (I have to watch my little brother!), but I’m so excited to be a part of the planning and preparations, especially a new social networking site they have created just for young Catholics who wish to participate in the WYD experience, whether they are travelling to Spain or not. Visit us at and join discussions, upload photos, invite friends and make new friends, and just share as a young person what your Catholic faith means to you. See you there!

  2. Thank you Abigail. I will share with my readers.
