Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha - Lily of the Mohawks

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Born at Auriesville, NY, 1656
Baptized at Fonda, NY, 1676
Died at Caughnawaga, Canada, April 17, 1680
Declared Venerable by Pope Pius XII January 3, 1943
Beatified by Pope John Paul II June 22, 1980

O God, who, among the many marvels of Your grace in the New World,
did cause to blossom on he banks of the Mohawak and of the St. Lawrence,
the pure and tender Lily, Kateri Tekakwitha,
grant, we beseech You,
the favor we beg through her intercession--
that this young lover of Jesus and of His cross
may soon be counted among her saints by Holy Mother Church,
and that our hearts may be enkindled with a stronger desire
to imitate her innocence and faith.
Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Imprimatur: +Most Reverend Howard J. Hubbard, D.D.
- Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha: Mohawk Maiden by the Daughters of St. Paul

Thanks to Mary Jane for the following information:

Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Lilly of the Mohawks, feast Thurs. July 14
patron of:
•loss of parents
•people ridiculed for their piety

Click here: Kateri Page - Kateri Shrine - Fonda, NY National Shrine in NY

prayer for Canonization of Blessed Kateri

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