Tuesday, June 07, 2011

June 7 St. Joseph apparition in France -prayer - Prayer For those in Need of Employment

From Mary Jane D.

On June 7, 1660, at about one o’clock in the afternoon, a young shepherd from Cotignac, 22 year-old Gaspard Ricard, was watching his flock of sheep on the eastern slopes of Mount Bessillon. The heat was oppressive and Gaspard was thirsty. Suddenly, he saw “a man at his side” who pointed to a rock, saying: “I am Joseph; lift this rock and you can drink.” Gaspard had his doubts because the rock looked heavy. The apparition repeated his instructions. The shepherd obeyed, moving the rock without difficulty, and found a source.

to read more about the apparition and the shrine in France:

click here

Short Novena prayer (translated from French)

Hail Joseph, you know that divine grace

has filled the Savior

who rested in your arms

and grew up under your eyes.

You are blessed among all people

and Jesus, the Divine Child

of your virginal bride is blessed.

Saint Joseph, foster father to the Son of God,

pray for us in our family concerns,

health and work,

until our last days and

deign to help us in the hour of our death. AMEN

(mention your intentions)

please remember the unemployed

and those who are seeking employment


  1. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Kindly pray for all my intentions.Especially for my healing of blood
    sugar,weakness of my body,knee pain,constipation and other physical
    sickness which I have .Pray to solve all my financial problems and to
    get my share of my father's property.Also for a very good job.For
    protection from my enemies.For guidance in my relation with Baby,Moidu
    and TNK and Ajith.For my deliverance from bondages and afflictions,powers of darkness,evil spirits and curses.

    Thank you,

    Mary Agnes India

  2. Praying for you Mary Agnes.
