Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul

Saints Peter and Paul by Rembrandt van Rijn

Picture source

"Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart" (Mt. 1:29)

"Jesus is always our pacesetter. He leads the way in everything He asks of us. Humility stands out as one of His divine attributes. 'He humble himself, obediently accepting death, death on a cross.' (Phil. 2:8).

Paul admonishes us: 'Think humbly of others as superior to yourselves, each of you looking to the other's interest rather than to his own.'" (Phil. 2:3).

Picture source

"He took bread, pronounced the blessing, then broke the bread and began to distribute it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him." (Lk 24:30-31)

The Eucharist is a great mystery. Only divine love could have devised such a celestial gift. Truly He is Emmanuel: God with us. However, His presence is a hidden presence. The disciples were restrained from recognizing Him. We likewise, can behold Him only with eyes of faith. When Jesus asked the apostles if they could accept this mystery. Peter answered for all of us: 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." (Jn. 6:68).

- Abide in Me by David E. Rosage


  1. Beautiful. I love the paintings you shared too.

  2. Incredible words of wisdom and faith. Peter and Paul have always been iconic in the history of Catholicism.

  3. I thought I had replied yesterday Melissa. Thank you.

    Rosary, very true.
