Monday, June 27, 2011

Eucharistic Procession in the Diocese of Paterson

It was a beautiful day for a procession fit for our King.

I have been visiting my mother and family in New Jersey. Yesterday we were privileged to accompany Our Lord truly present in the Blessed Sacrament along with many of the faithful, as He processed from Blessed Sacrament Church onto the neighboring streets. The Feast of Corpus Christi is the feast day of  Blessed Sacrament Church.

I believe it is a Hispanic tradition to have families who live in the area prepare an altar in front of their house. The Monstrance then stops at these 5 altars (symbolizing Jesus Five wounds perhaps?) where the Gospel is read and then the priest blesses the people.  The first house we stopped was greeted by a beautiful image of El SeƱor de los Milagros, a beloved and popular Peruvian image of our Lord.

The Eucharistic Procession took place at the end of the Mass but before the final prayer. After processing out onto the streets, we were instructed to return to the Church for the Benediction and the final blessing.

Legionaries of Christ, Padre Ortega was the celebrant and the priest who carried the Blessed Sacrament.

It was lovely to come home to this parish, which happened to be the very first church my family belonged to when we arrived from Peru.

Note: Blessed Sacrament Parish will also be celebrating the 100th anniversary this October.


  1. Anonymous6:21 AM

    For the past several years, our Eucharist Procession was outdoors with 4 altars around the church courtyard. Last year, the heat index was around 100, so we had it in the church yesterday. Beautiful pictures.
    God bless, Mary Jane

  2. Isn't that so beautiful?! And Paterson is a city much fraught with poor and crime, yet here are its fine citizens out for a walk with Our Lord!
    God sees.

  3. Beautiful!! That church looks really familiar. I must have visited it at one point. Love the exterior shots--brought back memories :)

  4. Mary Jane, that was a good idea!

    Alice, the church was packed.

    Barb, now we know why:-)

    Glad you enjoyed the photos. Thank you!
