Monday, June 06, 2011

Anniversary of Father Gordon MacRae's First Mass Celebration and Prayers for His Release

The other day I forwarded to Father Gordon the email I received regarding the first anniversary of the Beatification of Father Jerzy Popieluszko. I sent it to him because part of the litany reads: "...Unjustly accused, pray for us..."

Father Gordon wrote via Charlene: ...thank you for the Novena information. June 6 is also the anniversary of my first Mass...

I told Father that I would be praying for him through the intercession of Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko. If possible, I would ask that you join me in praying for Father's release from prison with the following prayer.

God, source of all good, I thank you that in your love you have endowed Blessed Father Jerzy Popiełuszko with the dignity of the priesthood.

You sent him to ardently proclaim Your word, dispense the holy sacraments, courageously act in Your name and be close to every human being, calling for forgiveness, unity and peace. You endowed him with the grace of martyrdom through which he came to resemble Christ along the way of the cross.

We adore and thank you, Lord, for this great gift to the Church, especially because you have made him an intermediary in the dispensing of grace. In Your infinite mercy, deign to include him in the communion of saints and through his intercession grant the grace of Father Gordon MacRae's release from prison where he has been unjustly and wrongly imprisoned for so long, for which I trusting implore You. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

(Information on any grace received should be submitted to:

The Postulancy of Blessed Jerzy Popie³uszko

ul, Hozjusza 2

01-565 Warsaw, Poland)

Bl. Jerzy Popieluszko Anniversary June 6th


  1. Lord,
    Thank you for Father MacRae's witness. Grant him freedom, O Lord.
    Mike Fazzino

  2. Thank you Michael. I'll forward your comment to Father Gordon.
