Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Month of May: Lady of the Beatitudes

Sts. Peter and Paul, Honolulu during the Month of May

Blest are you, O Virgin Mother of God,
Who surrendered your spirit entirely to the Lord;
You now reign with God forever.

Blest are you who sorrowed upon earth from the conception
to the death of your Son, Jesus Christ;
Your Heart was pierced with a sword.
You are now consoled forever and are a consolation to us.

Blest are you, O Heavenly Mother Mary.
God regarded the humility of you His handmaid,
And now you inherit heaven and earth and all creation.

Blest are you, O Virgin Mother, who hungered and thirsted with
your Son to do the will of the Father.
Full of grace upon earth,
You now intercede for our holiness.

Blest are you, Mother of Mercy.
You received the highest mercy in being conceived Immaculate.
You now obtain for us Mercy from the Heart of your Son.

Blest are you, O Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Who upon earth were single-hearted in believing and loving.
You now see god face to face and intercede to lead us to the same beatific vision.

Blest are you, Mother and Queen of Peace.
You pray for peace in the Church and in the world;
You are the highly favored Daughter of God the Father,
And care for your sons and daughters still upon earth.

Blest are you, O Mother of Jesus Christ, who were persecuted
for holiness' sake.
What was done to Jesus was done to you, and men still treat you this way.
The reign of God is yours.

- Prayerbook for Catholics by Father Robert J. Fox.

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