Thursday, May 05, 2011

Month of May: The Humility of Mary and Praying the Memorare for Vocations

Virgin and Child with Infant St. John the Baptist by Sandro Botticelli

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It is indeed a beautiful custom blessed by Holy Mother Church which inspires us as humble children during the month of May to honor our Lady in every possible way. There are processions, May crownings, decorations of her shrines and statues with lovely flowers, the earnest recitation of her rosary and litany, sermons on Mary, a renewal of love and dedication to her...

In our Lady Immaculate all virtues flourish in a degree equal to her fullness of grace. Once special virtue, however, which she herself indicated as the magnet which attracted the attention of almighty God toward her was her humility. Because he has regarded the humility of his handmaid..." All of us--of whatever walk in life--may well reflect during these blessed and holy days of May on the beautiful virtue of humility which graced the soul of Mary...

"Our Lady of Humility" is one of the gracious titles of our Blessed Mother. She passed through this life unnoticed despite her vocation as the Mother of God and her virtues. Few indeed are the words which have been recorded as spoken by her, but they will live forever and be of profit to those who meditate upon them. Mary lived humility in the fullest sense of the world; she was ever aware of her dependence upon God and of His goodness to her. All that she had, she ever referred back to Him, the source of all good. Mary is the living example of one who responded to the invitation of our blessed Lord, "Learn of me for I am meek and humble of heart." (Mt. 11:29).

May we during this month of May be blessed by en ever increasing knowledge of Mary and especially of her humility. May the Memorare recited each day for vacations stir in the hearts of our young people the desire to give themselves wholeheartedly to God.

Pastoral Letter on the Humility of Mary by John J. Cardinal Carberry, 1962

Mary Queen and Mother: Marian Pastoral Reflections by John J. Cardinal Carberry.

Readers: Please join me during this month dedicated to our Lady in praying the Memorare daily for vocations as recommended by Cardinal Carberry above.

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