Friday, May 06, 2011

First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Intimate, Family and Social Reign

Sacred Heart of Jesus statue on Kalaupapa, Molokai

The following is from Holy Hour by The Rev. Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.,CC. Book Four.  This is perfect for those families who have enthroned the Sacred Heart of Jesus in their homes.  For those of you who still not have enthroned Him, consider doing that very soon.
The Heart of Jesus wishes this scene to be a living reality in each of our homes...He knocks insistently on our doors. During this Holy Hour He wishes to enter as King...He asks to remain as Friend...He wishes to rule over our families with an intimate, profound, living reign...He asks our solemn promises; let us give it to Him loyally and sincerely.

Jesus: Behold your meek King comes to you. He brings you peace and He offers you the divine friendship of His Heart. But you can not serve two masters at the same time; you cannot unite Jesus and the world in the one same love...Which will prevail in your family? Who will be the King of Love?

Souls: Heart of Jesus, Thou only shalt be our King!

Jesus: And who is your choice as intimate friend?

Souls: Thou alone, O Jesus, the Friend of Bethany!

Jesus: From now on, may I enjoin My divine Law upon you, and reign as Master in your home? ...Will you hail Me as your King?

Souls: Heart of Jesus, Thou only shalt be our King!

Jesus: And who will be the intimate friend in the secret sorrows of your family?

Souls: Thou alone, O Jesus, the Friend of Bethany!

Jesus: Henceforward, then, your persons and goods belong to Me...I may do with them as I will...But whom do you admit has the right to dispose of all events, sad and joyful, happy and unhappy, in your lives? Who will decide the path your family is to follow?

Souls: Heart of Jesus, Thou only shalt be our King!

Jesus: When in My wisdom I impose struggles and sufferings on you, w ho will be your Confidant, your Consoler?

Souls: Thou alone, O Jesus, the friend of Bethany!

Jesus: If I command as King, My authority must reach over all the actions of your daily life.Will you accept that I deign with wisdom and love the ordinary routine of every day?

Souls: Heart of Jesus, Thou only shalt be our King!

Jesus: But I wish so much to have you always give Me My part and...the best part, even int the smallest details of your family life. In the monotony of the daily task, who will always be your great friend?

Souls: Thou alone, O Jesus, the friend of Bethany!

Jesus: Then invite Me to be always the Master and Counselor in important the hours of cruel crises, when creatures abandon you to your sorrows...Shall I , as absolute King, rule from this moment, as I rule in Heaven, over this blessed corner of the earth, your home, which has become Mine?...

Souls: Heart of Jesus,Thou only shalt be our King!

Jesus: And at the hour of forced departures and painful separations, in the hour when death on the wings of illness or from an unforeseen misfortune draws near you...Who will be at that supreme moment the intimate, inseparable, the first and last Friend of your home?

Souls: Thou alone, O Jesus, the Friend of Bethany!

{Never let a great joy, a cruel sorrow, a grave decision, any anniversary whatever in the home pass without renewing in the family, the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart, the Royal Friend of Bethany.}

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