Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why I love Jesus

Anne who blogs over at her lovely blog Imprisoned in my Bones tagged me for a new meme.
Here are the rules for the meme:
*state 5 reasons why you love Jesus
*tag 5 other bloggers
*provide links to the blogs of those you tag as well as the one(s) who tagged you.

Why do I love Him? Let me count the ways...5 of them to be exact but there are many, many more reasons why I love Jesus. Wow, I thought this was going to be easy but it is hard to put my feelings into words.

1. God humbled Himself to be born as a beautiful baby and I cannot resist babies. I just love them! When I get to Heaven, the first thing I want to do is ask to hold the Baby Jesus in my arms so I can cuddle Him and kiss His adorable little face.

2.  He is the Good Shepherd.  He shepherds His flock especially when we lose our way.  He is always beside us, gently guiding us back to His fold.

3.  He sacrificed His life so that we can have everlasting life.  Shame on me for ever taking that ultimate sacrifice for granted!

4.  He cannot say no to His dear Mother and therefore I can be assured He will answer my prayers through her intercession.  (I also have an endless list on why I love Our Blessed Mother Mary).

5.  Divine Mercy.  Need I say more?

I tag the following 5 bloggers:

1. Sister Lisa

2. Lisa

3. Cathy

4. Father Daren

5. Father Gordon

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