Saturday, April 02, 2011

Father Peter Rookey - The Healing Priest " Pilgrimage of Love "

Thank you Ed for sharing this very moving tribute to Father Rookey. I hope everyone orders this touching DVD.
Watch a clip from the beautiful new DVD

"Pilgrimage of Love: The Story of a Priest". Follow Fr. Peter Rookey as he makes one last journey to the Holy Land, a walk of faith that parallels his remarkable life story, including his own healing of blindness as a child and his 60+ years as a Catholic priest.

Praise God for this holy, humble worker in the vineyard, and for the many healing miracles that Jesus Christ has worked through him.

The full DVD can be ordered from Our Sorrowful Mother's Ministry.


  1. I spoke to father rookey yesterday he takes phone calls to pray for people everyday. He is the humblest most caring man. He is the real deal he wants no money, no recognition. He said "I simply pray Jesus does all the work". He even said call everyday if you like. In this self centered world it's amazing to hear those words everyone is so busy. I hung thinking wow I have been loved. I found your post this morning and one I love Hawaii it's my favorite place on earth and I haven't been there in fifteen years and think about it everyday especially now in the cold weather. I will get his DVD you recommend I'm sure it's enlightening message. Its amazing to me a person can wake up every day at 97 years old passionate and dedicated to helping others. He acted so grateful I called him. Thanks again for your post. Enjoy the holidays.. Aloha

  2. Cindy, thank you for sharing. I too have called Father on the phone, (to wish him a happy birthday) and he answered the phone. He is such a holy priest! Aloha and God bless,
