Saturday, April 09, 2011

Birthday Novena for the Pope, Day 2

Let's pray today for the spiritual protection of the Pope. As you may know, those who are in positions of leadership of the Church are often under the most spiritual attack. The Pope is, I am sure, the biggest target of the devil. So, let's pray together for his protection by the Blood of Christ.

Novena Prayers

Heavenly father, Your Providence guides the Church and the successor to St. Peter, Pope Benedict XVI. May he be protected at all times from spiritual attacks so that he may lead Your Church to greater holiness and unity through your Holy Spirit.

Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to your shepherd, Benedict XVI, a spirit of courage and right judgment, a spirit of knowledge and love. By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care, may he, as successor to the Apostle Peter and the Vicar of Christ, build your Church into a sacrament of unity, love and peace for all the world.
[Insert your personal petitions for the Pope here]
Let us pray for Benedict, the pope.
May the Lord preserve him,
give him a long life,
make him blessed upon the earth,
and not hand him over
to the power of his enemies.
May your hand be upon your holy servant.
And upon your son, whom you have anointed.
Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory Be …

 It's not too late for people to join in the novena! Forward to a friend or share it on facebook Like Day 2 - Pope Benedict's Birthday Novena on Facebook

Pray for the Pope today! I hope you have a blessed day!

God Bless You,

  John-Paul -

P.S. Forward this to your friends who might want to join in praying with us!
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