Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Victory for Choose Life License Plates!!!

Following came from Russ Amerling of Choose Life, Inc. and Aloha Pregnancy Care and Counseling Center. I think we all should say a special prayer for Steve Holck who went personally paid for many fees in order to save this pro-life license plate. Hawaii was in danger of being the first state to lose the Choose Life license plate. Mahalo nui loa Steve!!

There are now 234 Choose Life License Plates on the roads in Hawaii. Much ALOHA to all who answered our call of urgency, with a special Aloha to APCCC Founder Steve Holck who personally paid for the first fees of close to a hundred pro-lifers. Please remember that the battle for Life is far from over and we urge people to continue to purchase the Choose Life plates. We will be making this an ongoing program, and anyone who cannot afford the first fee for the plates of $30.50, can email steve@alohapregnancy.com and a check will be mailed to you.

We also need your continued vehicle donations to Christian Family Charities, "Donate Any Vehicle" program. You may find additional iformation on alohapregnacy.com. Watch for ongoing alerts on our website, with information on our upcoming banquet and Tshirt program.

Please continue to support the Aloha Pregnancy Center with prayers and remember to tell your friends that volunteers are still sorely needed, especially nurses.

Garret Hashimoto
President, APCCC

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