Thursday, March 31, 2011

St. Teresa on the Devil Hindering Her from Mental Prayer

The Pacific Ocean yesterday evening

"I do not understand the fears of those who are afraid to begin mental prayers: I do know know what they are afraid of. The devil does well to instill fear into us so that he may do us real harm. By making me afraid he stops me from thinking of the ways in which I have offended God and of all I owe Him and of the reality of hell and of glory and of the great trials and griefs which He suffered for me..." - The Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila
In another earlier section she writes how she was only able to pray when she had a good spiritual book to read.  Sometimes, in order to pray, she just needed to have the book by her; not necessarily reading it.  Her prayer life certainly went through many steps.  What insight this saint has on prayer!

I am very certain the devil does all in his power to keep us from prayer. I read that prayer is talking to God and reading Holy Scripture is God talking to us.  Although, I am also sure that if we listen carefully...and not talk, God will speak to us in the quiet of our hearts.

It is in these quiet moments, like in adoration before the Blessed Sacraments, that serious sins I have long forgotten and I am sure never confessed, were recently brought to mind.  God in His infinite goodness and mercy reminded me so that I could have a chance to confess these long forgotten sins.

The devil on the other hand, will make so much noise and put fear into our hearts, that we will be afraid just like Saint Teresa was.


  1. Love your pictures Esther.
    What a beautiful scene!

  2. Thank you Ed. I think you would have loved to have seen the ocean in person.
