Friday, March 04, 2011

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

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Jesus in the Eucharist,
immortal King of ages,
Who from the humble throne of the Tabernacle would conquer the world,
O Jesus,
do not permit that any of us who are close to Thy Sacred Heart,
the never-failing source of living water, should perish of thirst.
Do not permit the members of our household to fall fainting on the road of life because they refuse to nourish themselves with Thee,
the Bread sent down from Heaven for earth's exiles.

Because Thou art Jesus,
cross the abyss that separates them from Thee;
pay no attention to their ignorance;
win them in spite of their weakness,
heeding only Thy pity and the prayer of faith and love that,
unknown to them, we offer Thee at Thy merciful request. O Jesus, save them, by Thy grace!...

By the Immaculate Queen, let them drink the chalice of thy love!...

- Holy Hour by The Rev. Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.
Book Four

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