Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jesus Exhorts His Most Blessed Mother Before His Passion

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The following is from The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Anne Catherine Emmerich.

"When our Lord announced to his Blessed Mother what was going to take place, she besought him, in the most touching terms, to let her die with him. But he exhorted her to show more calmness in her sorrow than the other women, told her that he should rise again, and named the very spot where he should appear to her. She did not weep much, but her grief was indescribable, and there was something almost awful in her look of deep recollection. Our Divine Lord returned thanks, as a loving Son, for all the love she had borne him, and pressed her to his heart. He also told her that he would make the Last Supper with her, spiritually, and named the hour at which she would receive his precious Body and Blood. Then once more he in touching language, bade farewell to all, and gave them different instructions..."
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Can the human heart refrain
from partaking in her pain,
in that Mother's pain untold?

- from the Stabat Mater

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