Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Powerful Weapon Against Evil

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...Since human ills are caused by unbelief, selfishness, immorality, and revolt against God, a spiritual weapon is needed. That weapon is the Rosary, a very powerful, armor against hell. The American Catholic can confidently say of the Rosary what David said of the sword of Goliath: "There is no sword like it. Give it me." (1 Kings, 21:9)

Because Mary has promises that through the Rosary sinners will be converted and the just will grow in grace, devout Catholics should recite the Rosary for the conversion of sinners who draw down the punishment of God and the scourge of war. St. Charles Borromeo, used to say, during his holy war against heresy, "I rely almost entirely upon the Rosary for he conversion and sanctification of my people..."

- The Rosary Crusade by a Dominican Father, published the the National Headquarters Holy Name Society, 1943


  1. Excellent Esther, I never thought to recite the Rosary for conversion of others and yet, it just makes so much sense. thank you!

  2. You're welcome Tracy. It is a simple way to do so.
