Monday, January 03, 2011

Mark Your Calenders: Hawaii March For Life

Please make a special effort to attend the Hawaii Rally and March for Life with your friends and family.   This year the anniversary of Roe v. Wade falls on a Saturday which will make it easier for more people to attend and show support for life.  Please spread the word!

Note: This year Hawaii CatholicTV will be live-streaming the Hawaii March for Life.
HICTv will be up and running by the end of January. Please come by our website to view a number of live events as well as some special programs as we continue to build Hawaii’s first Catholic Internet Television Station.

Our next live event will be March for Life, Saturday, January 22 2011 @ 10:00 AM HST – 03:00PM

March for Life rally marks 40 years of legal abortion in Hawaii

Honolulu, HI – Hawaii Right to Life is sponsoring the 38th annual March for Life Hawaii with co-sponsors Hawaii Family Forum and Hawaii Catholic Conference. The grassroots rally is open to the public and will be held Saturday, January 22 from 10:30am to 1:30pm at the Hawaii State Capitol grounds. The event is held each year on the anniverary of the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions, which legalized abortion throughout the United States.

Hawaii Right to Life Executive Director Janet Grace noted that Hawaii was among the first states to legalize abortion in 1970 and that the rally was established annually in the wake of the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. She remarked, “March for Life will mark 38 years since the U.S. Supreme Court's tragic decision decriminalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy for any and all reasons. The March was started by grassroots pro-life advocates to protest this affront to justice. We believe that abortion is among the most extreme forms of injustice in America today and that over 55 million lives have been lost in the United States since 1973. That is why it is important to remember these innocent children and bring respect and dignity to their lives."

The theme for March for Life 2011 is "Celebrating Life for Generations to Come." The family oriented event will offer a keiki fun fair with educational activities designed to share the sanctity of life message. Activities will also include a sign waving, music, hula, inspirational messages, and a walk through the Capitol district. For event details, visit HRTL Facebook page.

Hawaii Right to Life is a non-profit organization that advances respect for life for all people from conception to natural death. Founded in 1973, Hawaii Right to Life is the state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee.

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