Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year!

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Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

Prayer on New Year's Day

Jesus, you are the Lord of history,
and Your wonderful redemption comes to us
in a cycle of time - year after year.
Now another year has passed
and a new one is ready to begin.
A backward glance tells us that last year
had its good points as well as its bad.

May the new year hold many more good things
in store for me
and make me a better person:
kinder and more willing to help,
more thoughtful and more loving.
May I fulfill my allotted task in life
and come closer to You
while looking forward to an eternity with You.
thank You, Lord, for this extended time
that you so graciously allow me
on my journey toward Your heavenly kingdom.

- New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book, Catholic Book Publishing