Friday, December 03, 2010

My Advent Reflection - Choosing Devotions

It started with a reminder to my family that today was Friday Friday which meant Mass and Nocturnal Adoration.   Instead of the enthusiasm I always hope to hear, I heard groans and I saw the rolling of the eyes. To be honest with you, even though we try to be good practicing Catholics, my family is not exactly St. Therese's family.

The First Friday announcement triggered a family discussion on devotions.  My son shared with us his favorite and not so favorite devotions and my husband shared that he often prays during the day in a personal way without formal prayers.  I acknowledged that I would prefer to pray with my own words instead of all the devotional prayers that I pray daily.

However,  we sometimes need to pray formally or to perform certain devotions because we have responsibilities to our spiritual life like any other aspect of our lives.  The devotions that make up part of my daily life are important.  I cannot give them up merely because I find myself praying by rote.  I just need to focus more on these prayers.  We need to pray for those in need, conversion, the dying, for reparation, in thanksgiving, in adoration and so many other reasons.  Many times formal prayers like the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet are the best ways of doing this. 

Our devotions are a personal thing that depend on our state of life.  Someone who is ill may not be able to attend daily Mass but can receive spiritual communion and can pray the Holy Rosary for so many intentions.

This Advent season I suggest that you take inventory of your devotions and see whether you need to make some changes.

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