Saturday, December 04, 2010

Help from Our Blessed Mother Mary

Who can we turn to for help when we are burdened down with problems?

When I have problems, I  go to my mother.  I feel much better listening to her words of advice.  My problems may not go away immediately yet I feel comforted by her motherly love.

My mother trusts that our lady will come to her aid.  Simple as that.  She has always had a deep love of our Blessed Mother and she has entrusted all her children to Mary's motherly protection.  When one of her children goes to her with a problem, she immediately ask the Mother of Jesus, to help.

Of course, our Lady answers my mother's call for help.

Our Lady is the most loving of mothers.  She is truly our mother.  She loves us so much and she wants to intercede for us. We know that from Jesus' very first public miracle at Cana, He cannot deny His sweet mother's request.

Therefore, when we are troubled, let us remember to pray with confidence "Jesus, I trust in You." And also remember to ask our Lady for specific help.  She will make sure Jesus answers your prayers.


  1. thanks for this reminder

  2. Diane6:59 AM

    Dear Jackie, thank you for sharing those beautiful words. My brother-in-law right now is going through a really rough time. We are all Catholic and truly believe in the miracle of healing. He has 4th state liver cancer. The chemo didn't help. So now he is going to start radiation. I went and prayed over him the other day. I don't know if you believe in the gift of tonuges. I do have the gift.I would appreciate if you could add Ernie in your daily prayers again THANK YOU DIANE

  3. Diane, I don't know if Jackie will see your comment but I will be praying for Ernie. Please pray Bl. Mother Teresa's favorite novena, the express Novena...9 consecutive Memorares, for him. God bless,
