Thursday, December 23, 2010

Have a Mass Offered for the Iraqi Christians on Christmas

Iraqi nuns hold a picture of Archbishop Paulos Rahho as they pray during his funeral

Picture source

As most of you are aware, the Iraqi Christians cannot attend Christmas Mass because of the mortal danger it poses to them. Iraqi Christians Cancel Christmas Celebrations and Mass in Wake of Threats

Please keep these persecuted brothers and sisters in Iraqi in your prayers. Since they are prevented from attending Mass on Christmas, please consider having a Mass offered for their intentions this Christmas. If you are unable to have your parish offer a Mass for them because of this late notice, you can still offer up your mass attendance and Holy Communion for them when you attend Christmas Mass. You can also pray for them during the Elevation of the Host at the Consecration. That is when our prayers are more powerful.


  1. I will definitely remember to do that. They are definitely in my prayers. Thank You and Merry Christmas.

  2. Thank you so much! I hope you and your family have a very blessed Christmas.
